5 Questions to Ask Yourself Right Now

With a new year comes ambition, hopes, and dreams. As you begin the journey into this year, let’s settle something in our hearts. 


It’s ok to be ambitious. However, it’s not ok to be overwhelmed and bogged down by that ambition. 

Ambition ignites hope, invigorates emotions and causes you to discover courage and strength that you didn’t even know you had. Dreams can push you and cause you to look ahead. This is the beauty of a fresh start, a new beginning.


If you spend the next several weeks and months digging your feet in and relying on your own strength and abilities to get it done, while commendable you will become overwhelmed. Let’s just be honest. We’ve lived long enough to know it takes more than willpower and hope to achieve anything. Too often success in business is associated with sacrifices and ability rather than boundaries and true strength. Boundaries defined by what matters most and true strength that comes from God alone. 



Boundaries give you parameters to know where your human capacity runs out. That’s your ability, will-power, drive, all of that energy and effort. Boundaries also help you define when the things that matter most like your values, well-being, and family are at risk of being sacrificed.

Perhaps like you, I started to make a list of personal goals this year and when taking a step back, immediately started asking myself questions. Why is it so hard to get this goal accomplished? Why is this goal on the list again this year? Can I really achieve this goal or is it too ambitious? What’s it going to require to see progress and movement forward in this goal? 


It’s not unusual to have lots of questions and thoughts about goals and the things we hope for. In a push and show-me culture it will require us to go beyond our own desires (and self-doubt) and be willing to toss aside what’s sometimes our own agenda to dream and hope for something that is greater. This requires more capacity than what you and I can find within ourselves. Thankfully we're not on our own to succeed. 



Knowing that you’ll tap out and reach capacity at some points makes it very clear that your ambition can only be achieved with a strong foundation in faith. The bigger the dream the deeper the faith.


We have a very limited human capacity for the type of strength we need each day. This is why we tap into the strength and power of our Lord.
— Lisa Bevere

God is strong, and he wants you strong

(Ephesians 6:10 MSG)

It’s ok to be ambitious. However, it’s not ok to be overwhelmed and bogged down by that ambition. Make this year different and go into it wiser than what the success culture will tell you. 

Thrive without compromising boundaries and strength that can only come from God. 


Ask yourself these 5 questions as you’re preparing to embark on this new journey;

  1. How’s my heart? The American Heart Association confirms that  cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality among women, accounting for 37% of all deaths among females (even higher for women of color). Heart disease is highly preventable. How are you taking care of your heart health? Consider what habits and behaviors can you put in place to manage a heart-healthy lifestyle this year.

  2. How’s my faith? Looking for success from achievements and the affirmations of others is an empty pursuit. I’ve been there. Relying on God for direction and constant reassurance is not only reliable but honestly the only true way to get the answers that you need in your life and professional walk. Commit to praying about how you will grow deeper in your faith these coming weeks.

  3. How’s my mind and mental state? When you stand in a room by yourself, what are you thinking about? What do you think about yourself? Mindset is everything. Take more moments to pause and be still. Pray ongoing. Take a walk and settle your mind. Journal and reflect. Talk with a professional. Put habits in place that will enable you to be in a healthy state of mind.

  4. How’s my relationship with the individual(s) closest to me? These past few years have taught us how important closeness is in our lives. Prioritize relationships that are meaningful and life-giving. Find opportunities to mentor someone. In turn, create opportunities for you to be poured into and further developed.

  5. How’s my work? Are you being a good leader and steward of the time, talents, and abilities that you’ve been blessed with? Our days are full. The demands and expectations placed upon us are plentiful. However, I challenge you to make sure that you are spending your resources appropriately. Remember what I mentioned about human capacity, we all have a limit. Be honest with yourself and others. Learning to say no and yes to the right things is wise and how you will realize your fullest potential these coming weeks and months.

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